ActX's close integration with athenaClinicals makes it simple to practice Precision Medicine. Our Genomic Decision Support℠ gives physicians actionable insights from a patient's genetic data - all within the athenaClinicals workflow. The ActX Service is designed for the busy clinician, who does not have to be an expert in medical genetics.

Check drug-genome interactions as prescriptions are written
99% of patients carry one or more variants that affect medications. Every time a physician writes a prescription in athenaClinicals, ActX checks the medication against the patient's genetics for issues with adverse effects, efficacy, and dosing. If there are any interactions found, ActX notifies the physician. Our growing KnowledgeBase covers most U.S. prescription drugs with sufficient evidence of a genomic impact.

Identify actionable hereditary risks
ActX alerts the physician in their normal clinical inbox if actionable medical risks are found based on the patient's genetics. For the 3-4% of patients with serious actionable genetic risks, we provide a summary of evidence-based published recommendations with supporting references. The patient's genetic data is frequently re-analyzed based on the latest knowledge and you will be notified if the analysis changes.

Easily access your patient's Genomic Profile within athenaClinicalss
The patient's Genomic Profile is part of the athenaClinicals patient chart - you can view the latest genomic information on the patient at any time. The Genomic Profile includes information about all potential drug-genomic interactions, actionable hereditary risks and carrier statuses for the patient. It is frequently updated to reflect the latest analysis of the patient's genetics.

Choose the best service option for your patients
Physicians have the ability to select the test that's best for their patient: Choose from our ActX Full Service test - including pharmacogenomics, hereditary risks and carrier status - or our ActX Pharmacogenomics Service, which includes pharmacogenomics only.

A full turn-key solution
In addition to providing real-time Genomic Decision Support℠, ActX makes it easy to obtain your patient's genetics using a small amount of saliva. You can authorize a patient for the ActX Service within athenaClinicals. After authorization, your patient will receive an email allowing them to sign up for the ActX Service.

The patient will then sign up on the ActX website, pay for the service (the service is currently paid for by patients and not covered by insurance), and receive a saliva collection kit at their home. The patient spits 1 cc into a tube and then mails it directly to our CLIA-certified laboratory, where it will be genotyped or sequenced. After quality assurance, the ActX Genomic Decision Support℠ service will be activated for that patient.